The Kansas Institute for Positive, Healthy & Inclusive Communities

The Kansas Institute for Positive, Healthy, and Inclusive Communities (KIPHIC) is a non-profit organization
and state-wide network focused on building positive, healthy, and inclusive Kansas communities. KIPHIC
activities specifically promote research and evidence-based practices, including but not limited to positive
behavior interventions and supports, which contribute to Kansans being successful across their lifespan, in
home, community, work, and school settings. Activities include creating opportunities for virtual and in
person networking, highlighting exemplar programs and professionals via social media, providing online or
in person training and technical assistance, and sharing research resources, tools, and best practices.

Upcoming kiphic Activities

KS Healthy Youth Positive Practices (HYPP) - Positive Practices Implementation Team (KS-PPIT) - KS-HYPP Project in collaboration with KDADS

Meeting Description: Collaborative Planning Opportunity across State Touchpoints to create and maintain support for Adolescents and At Risk Youth for out of home placement.

• HYPP Awareness Trainings build common understanding and shared terminology 
HYPP Caregiver Training(s) develop common & consistent strategies implemented across environments
HYPP Transition Modeling and Tools
Advancing HYPP Evidence-Based Crisis Response Models - Building HYPP & General Tertiary Capacity

10-11 am - 1st Wednesday 5/4, 6/1, 7/6, 8/3, 9/7, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7
Click Here for Zoom Link

Positive Kansas Community Network (APBS)

Meeting Description: This meeting provides an opportunity for an inclusive gathering to share information related to KIPHICs current funding opportunities, as well as, highlight organizations and/or individuals who are utilizing positive practices (PBS) within their environment: Get H.I.P (healthy, inclusive, and positive) with KIPHIC.

4th Tuesday of the month - Time to be determined
Click Here for Zoom Link

Meetings and trainings you don't want to miss!

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